Wednesday, July 14, 2010

How to BBQ Fish

Posted by Generation Girls at 3:32 PM
I have a love hate relationship with cooking fish. It tastes so good when done right, and well, it's burnt and falls apart into pieces if you do not do it right. Here is a step by step cooking method that will give you a great flavored well cooked fish every time.

1. Have your grill hot. Don't turn on the gas, wait two minutes and start cooking. The grill must be hot and ready to sear your fish.
2. Have a clean grill, freshly oiled. Now here is a little trick to a clean grill. After the fire has been going for 5 minutes, use a scraper and scrape off all the bits of leftovers stuck to the grill. The heat will soften them and they should come off like a charm. Secondly, before placing your fish on the grill give the metal and the fish a quick one two with olive oil.
3. Bring the fish to room temperature, pat dry and make sure the fillet is equal thickness. Any variation and you will have either undone meat on one end, or crispy fries on the other.
4. Season lightly with butter and lemon juice while it is cooking.
5. Once the fish is on the grill, walk away. Do not try to look under it, just let it sit and cook. Usually we start with the skin side down. After 3-5 minutes, flip your fish. You should hear another wonderful blast of sizzle. This means your grill is nice and hot.
6. Once the fish is done, give it another coat of butter and lemon juice and enjoy.

It's easy as pie. Fish was meant to be grilled and it tastes wonderful cooked that way.


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